Siassi Secondary School is large school campus with over 500 students. The school has 50 buildings which include 35 school facilities and 15 staff houses.
The school lies adjacent to the mission district Headquarters and the Lablab health center. The district HQ has 5 buildings, 4 of which are office building and one of which is a staff house. The health center has 15 buildings.
The facilities are bordered by Yaga village on one side and business houses on the other side that includes 4 to 5 shops.
Specific challenges
Siassi is an island located in the Morobe gulf and is only accessible by boat or plane. No road connections, no power grid available.
Currently, power supply to the school is provided by a diesel generator that powers the classrooms and staff houses. Power supply by diesel generator is unreliable and very costly. The solar power station shall greatly reduce or eliminate the dependency on the diesel generator.
Planned solution
A detailed Site survey on the location is yet pending. Details on the planned solution depend on the findings of the planned site survey.
Estimated completion date
Once preparations are done in due time, installation shall be completed by the the second half of 2025
Required resources
(site survey pending)