Building up SolSol

The SolSol concept consists of three elements:

  1. The Solar system itself – the technical element
  2. Community responsibility – the social element
  3. Engineering School – the educational element

#1: The solar system itself consists of the power house for the generation of electrical energy, the distribution network to bring the energy to the buildings within the community and the user connections to the individual houses, including the energy metering devices.

#2: The community at the served location will take responsibility for the solar system, make sure it is kept in good physical condition and protected against theft and vandalism. This will ensure that the solar system is regarded as a community asset for the benefit of all residents. The solar system provides the community with reliable solar power, independent from any public power grid with its failures and outages.

#3: The Engineering School will provide the required technical skills to selected staff in the local communities. This will ensure that the trained persons can perform all necessary maintenance, troubleshooting and quality assurance tasks to keep the solar system in good operational condition. The trained local staff assures that the solar system keeps its desired levels of output and reliability and keeps track of the energy usage volumes and growth trends.

With these three elements in place, SolSol can achieve its objective to provide reliable power supply with sustainable, environmentally clean energy to ELCPNG’s institutions in remote rural areas.

Let the Sun shine!

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