Measuring Sunshine

Knowing the amount of sunshine that can be expected at a specific location is an essential factor in designing a solar power station. However, there are no publicly available data on solar irradiation in PNG, apart from some very rough computer simulations for a very first estimate. This is insufficient for our needs. We have …


The traditional society of PNG has developed without the concept of a wheel. The bible already mentions war chariots in the story of Moses and the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. Vehicles with wheels, however, have been introduced to PNG only with World War II in the 1940s, when the US Army simply left …

Building up SolSol

The SolSol concept consists of three elements: #1: The solar system itself consists of the power house for the generation of electrical energy, the distribution network to bring the energy to the buildings within the community and the user connections to the individual houses, including the energy metering devices. #2: The community at the served …