Meet … Pastor Panpan

Tell us something about yourself in short words My name is Giesa Panpan, I lead the department of ministerial services in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea (ELCPNG). I was a former college lecturer before becoming a pastor. My focus and interest in my line of work include solving problems within ministerial institutions …

Meet … Katu Yapi

Tell us something about yourself in short words My name is Katu and I am currently working as the Head of Lutheran Health Services in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea. My interests include mitigation of issues in regions covered by Lutheran Health Services and improving Health services within those regions. The SolSol project is …

Benefits of Rural Electrification

Electrification can bring numerous benefits to rural communities in PNG, transforming lives and fostering development. Some significant benefits are: These benefits of electrification can contribute to holistic development and improved well-being in rural communities, paving the way for sustainable progress and prosperity. (Title photo published by (2024) )


The traditional society in PNG has no notion of metal. Up to the mid-20th century metal was largely unknown. Tools were made of wood and stone, materials for joining building structures were made of bamboo or plant fibres. The technology of melting metals is unknown, the traditional profession of a smith does not exist. Fire is …

Energy Assessment

The poor state of electrical power supply for the institutions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea (ELCPNG) in remote rural areas is a known challenge. Having been a business manager and an electrical engineer for all my life, I felt I can make a contribution here. Talks with “Mission-Eine-Welt”, a partner organization …

Site Survey

When we go out to assess a new candidate for a site location, we need to collect as much useful data as we can for a good design of the planned SolSol power station. Such data include number of persons living at the institution and close nearby, how many and what kind of buildings need …

Solar Water Pump for Karangon village

Bonnie, the Chairman of SolSol’s Steering Committee, is also Head of the Lutheran Development Services (LDS) department. His team has developed and built a solar water pump to supply drinking water to Karangon village and a school at Wasu in the remote Finschhafen district. The pump now transports the water over 850m distance and 170m …